News and updates


Nicola holding an iPad displaying the Austin Assessment menu page
Homegrown app helps spot common visual condition in children
Listen to our founder, Nicola McDowell being interviewed on RNZ (Radio New Zealand) about the Austin Assessment App.


Looking over Oscar's shoulder as he completes the Austin Assessment on an iPhone
Flipping the System - How the Austin Assessment helped to break down walls
A Mum shares their experience of using the Austin Assessment with their 13 year old son Oscar.


Illustration of a validated research paper
Validating the Austin Assessment
Nicola's journey in getting the Austin Assessment screening tool officially validated.


Image of Ella playing with the Austin Assessment App in her kitchen
Kiwi develops app to detect common visual impairment in kids
1News reports on the development of the Austin Assessment app, and 14-year-old Ella, who has CVI, shares her story.


Image of an antique metal carved kiwi bird
The Austin Assessment website is live! What this means to me
Nicola introduces the Austin Assessment website, developed to support a screening tool for CVI she has been developing.

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