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Our Story
The CVI Austin Assessment Story Part 4: The app
How an idea was turned into an awesome iPad app, thanks to the digital design company Springload.


Young Nichola about to dive into a swimming pool in a swimming competition
Our Story
The CVI Austin Assessment Story Part 1: Nicola
Watch and learn Nicola’s story, how she developed CVI, and the life experience that led her to create a world-first CVI screening tool.


Back and white image of Nichola staring at Austin who is playing with the Austin Assessment App on a tablet
Our Story
The CVI Austin Assessment Story Part 2: Austin
Meet Austin, the boy who inspired the creation of the Austin Assessment.


A screenshot from the prototype of the Austin Assessment. The cards are typical playing cards rather than the image cards developed for the game.
Our Story
The CVI Austin Assessment Story Part 3: Testing the theory
After creating the Austin Assessment, Nicola set about testing the theory and producing robust research to support her claims.

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